Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the www.scenolia.ca website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring:

Managing Director: Jean-Philippe Delmotte - Zone d'activités - CS 50001 - 69610 Haute-Rivoire - France

Name, telephone number, trade register number, share capital, address of registered office :

Prismaflex international

Company name :
Prismaflex International
Name responsible :
First name responsible :
Pierre Henri
Head office :
309 route de Lyon, CS 50001
Postcode :
City :
Haute Rivoire
Country :
Telephone :
Fax: 33(0)4 74 70 68 00
Fax :
Fax: 33(0)4 74 26 30 87
E-mail :
Registration number : 345 166 425 RCS LYON
Legal form : SA with a Board of Directors
Share capital : 2 701 480 €

Scenolia Director: Olivier Albert - oalbert@prismaflex.com
Publication and webmaster: Jean Philippe Delmotte - jpdelmotte@prismaflex.com
Press contact: Angélique Teutsch - ateutsch@prismaflex.com
Website creator: OXINNOV & GREENTIC
Website host: OVH