Pattern Wallpaper

Patterns often provide a sense of structure in various forms, whereas abstract design brings you something out of the ordinary. Both designs will stand out in a vintage, eclectic or contemporary interior.

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Fun And Playful Design

Every interior is unique and Scenolia’s range of designs are here to bring you a blend of colors and shapes in various forms. Bring back your favorite tie-dye shirts, bell-bottoms, and crochet dresses with our 70’s inspired wallpaper. Check out our Art Deco Design, Very Pink Flamingos, or the 1970’s for a blast from the past. Let your creative side shine with a décor beyond the norms with our Euphoria Wallpaper for a warped perception, or our Scandinavian Blue for a subtle mix of geometric shapes. Let your imagination run free with Scenolia.

Charismatic and alluring, Scenolia’s Pattern wall decors adhere to almost any space. Our non-woven wallpaper is made to measure but can be cut into any desired shape with a utility knife. A quick and easy installation procedure with seamless removal will keep your walls looking fresh and trendy for all occasions. For smaller prints, we offer canvas prints in assorted sizes. If you need further assistance, contact our team and we would be more than happy to help!