Compare and contrast with other hues and shades. The colour white can be conveyed under different lighting and paired with different colours. Blue, green and purple paired with white can make the atmosphere seem cool and calm. Our Greek Island Wallpaper carries this tone and creates a relaxing atmosphere. On the other hand, adding some red, orange and yellow along with white can empower and refresh the space, and create a warmer environment.
Colour Wall Art
WhiteLooking to create a clean and refreshing look for your space? A white wall art can brighten up your interior and makes an exceptional choice for warm or cool tones. Have a look at our wallpapers, posters and canvas prints for décor.
Integrating white accents in your interior can make the room perceived as visually enlarged. Keeping your entire room white can portray a sense of purity and enlightenment, while adding white graphics to coloured walls can make the details more prominent and visually striking. Scenolia carries high-quality prints suitable for any room.
Top-selling decoration of the theme White
Tips from our Decorating Team
If you choose to keep it simple and neutral, our monochromatic prints may be the right choice for you. Simple and classic, an all-white wall décor brings optimism and reflectiveness in your ambiance. Play with your textures using softer tones and add our Leafing Wallpaper to pair with an off-white rug, a paper lampshade on your nightstand or a wooden table. The possibilities are endless!
How to complete your white wall decor
Our white wall decor products
Minimalist Decor: Simple and Clear
Refined and Understated
An interior filled with light and clarity! Soft tones are a staple of a classic, timeless decor. A room which emphasizes geometric shapes, clean lines and black and white tones is sure to bring a sense a well-being and offer you space to breathe.
A stylish, minimalist decor with graphic or subtle geometric shapes. This range is perfect for those looking to create a refined and understated decor in a modern home. Brighten up your home with light colours and chic white canvases, wallpapers and posters! Graphic pieces are the perfect match for a white colour palette.